+49 (0) 865 1905 8980 inquiry@albion.eu

iSAQB Certified Professional for Software Architecture (CPSA) Foundation

Course Description


iSAQBHighly interactive, hands-on course 

The accredited iSAQB Certified Professional for Software Architecture Foundation (CPSA Foundation) course is an internationally recognized and standardized training for software architecture that prepares you for the iSAQB CPSA Foundation certification exam. The success rate of all course participants who have attended a Foundation course conducted by Albion trainers is exceptionally high.

The CPSA Foundation training course provides the knowledge and skills to design a suitable software architecture based on customer requirements and constraints. The acquired knowledge enables you to design, communicate, evaluate, maintain and enhance a software architecture. Participants broaden and deepen existing skills in software development with relevant approaches, methods and principles for software architecture development.

Albion Academy conducts this training exclusively as a four-day course to ensure a workshop-like environment with several group exercises and an end-to-end, practice-based case-study. Thanks to this approach, attendees gain a deeper understanding of the course material, which directly impacts their ability to pass the iSAQB CPSA certification exam and help them succeed in their day-to-day work.


Course content overview

After completing this course, participants will have attained the following knowledge.

  • Definitions, benefits and goals of software architecture
  • The tasks and responsibilities of software architects
  • Stakeholder concerns and interaction
  • Functional and quality requirements as well as other factors influencing software architecture design
  • Tactics and heuristics for architectural development, e.g., architectural and design patterns, design principles, cross-cutting concerns
  • Documentation of software architectures on the basis of views
  • Evaluation of software architectures


Upon successful completion of the certification exam, participants receive the iSAQB® Foundation Level certification.

Target audience

Software developers, software architects and other IT professionals who seek to successfully pass the iSAQB CPSA-Foundation certification exam.



  • 3+ years of experience in IT development and practical programming experience is beneficial
  • A basic knowledge of UML is advantageous.

Detailed course content

This accredited CPSA Foundation training course is based on the current ISAQB® curriculum and the corresponding certification examination. In the seminar, the following topics are presented in detail.

  • Software architecture terms and concepts
    • Software architecture definitions
    • Software architecture objectives and benefits
    • Software architect roles and responsibilities
  • Stakeholders and constraints
    • Business, project, and architecture goals
    • Stakeholder concerns
    • Constraints
    • Conway’s law
  • Clarification of requirements
    • Functional and quality requirements
    • Quality requirement trade-offs
    • Quality tree and scenarios
  • Documentation and communication
    • Assumptions and risks
    • Documentation objectives and quality
    • Blackbox / whitebox
    • Architecture views
    • Document templates, notations and frameworks
  • Architecture guidelines
    • Architecture approach
    • Tools
    • Architecture principles, e.g. S.O.L.I.D.
  • Solution strategy and design
    • Architecture patterns
    • Architecture structure and decomposition
    • Tactics to achieve quality requirements
    • Interfaces & Postel’s law
    • Cross-cutting concerns
    • Architecture decisions
  • Architecture assessment
    • Quantitative and qualitative assessment
    • Architecture reviews
    • Static and dynamic code analysis

Information about the iSAQB CPSA Foundation Certificate

Upon successful completion of the certification exam, participants receive the iSAQB® Foundation Level certification.

After attending the iSAQB accredited course conducted by Albion trainers, 96% of course participants have passed the iSAQB Foundation Software Architecture certification exam.


Information about the certification exam

An examination voucher is provided to participants so they can choose an examination date after the training.

  • Multiple-choice test
    • A total of 64 points
    • Questions are rated from 1 to 3 points depending on the level of difficulty.
    • Minimum percentage to pass the exam: 60%.
    • Time allowed: 75 minutes. 95 minutes for candidates for whom English is not their primary language.
    • The use of material during the test is prohibited.
    • The test may be repeated multiple times, in case the participant does not pass the test the first time.
  • The exam is based on the iSAQB CPSA curriculum
    • In the syllabus, all learning objectives are marked with exam relevance:
      R1: relevant for the exam.
      R2: may be relevant for the exam.
      R3: Not relevant for the exam.
  • The exam contains the following three types of questions:
    • Single-choice
    • Multiple choice
    • Assignment (e.g. assign true or false to every answer)

Benefits of taking the CPSA-Foundation training at Albion

  • Industry standard certification
    • iSAQB certification and recognition of expertise
  • Impressive certification success rate
    • 96% of course participants passed the certification exam after attending an accredited training course conducted by Albion Academy trainers.
  • Certification Guarantee
    • If, after completing the Albion Academy training course, the participant does not pass the certification exam, he/she is entitled to repeat the certification online once free of charge. An examination fee must be paid for each additional attempt.
  • Highly experienced and accredited iSAQB trainer
    • The trainer, Albion Academy founder Roger Rhoades, is an active member of the International Software Architecture Qualification Board (iSAQB). Together with his colleagues, he defines and evolves the iSAQB foundation and advanced curricula, exam questions, case studies and glossary. In addition, he has several years of experience and extensive knowledge in the field of software architecture.
  • Interactive, practice-oriented training
    • Participants experience an interactive four-day training course with practice-based exercises and case studies that, according to former participants, reinforce the methods they have learned.
    • The theoretical content is supplemented by the trainer’s practical experience to ensure course participants not only understand the relevant methods, but also the real-world challenges of their implementation.
    • Active participation and discussions are explicitly encouraged.
  • Two free coaching sessions
    • Course participants receive two free coaching sessions (value of 300€) to support their ability to successfully implement newly learned methods and approaches in their current business projects.

Benefits of the Albion live online training courses


Albion is known for its interactive training courses with a workshop character. Whether in-person or live online, Albion training courses encourage the active participation of course participants in discussions and group exercises.

By using the latest online collaboration tools, such as online whiteboards, you will experience a classroom-like environment. During the live online training, participants collaborate to perform practice-oriented exercises and case studies that lead to a deeper understanding of the course material.

Online Whiteboard

Benefits of live online training courses

  • Lower price
    • Lower price for the live online training course compared to the corresponding classroom training.
  • No travel or hotel costs
    • Efficient use of your time and money.
  • Compliance with mandated travel restrictions
    • You can conveniently participate from any location without having to travel.
  • Face-to-face discussions
    • The same opportunities for asking questions and discussing topics as in a classroom training.
    • As with classroom training, active participation of the participants is desired.
  • Participant collaboration
    • Participants can pose questions to other participants and to the trainer 24 hours a day via an online chat during and after the course (e.g., to discuss sample test questions, current project challenges, etc.).

Prerequisites for live online training courses

  • Computer with a stable and fast Internet connection that supports continual video transmission.
  • Suitable webcam.
  • Headset instead of the computer microphone to reduce ambient noise.
  • Modern web browser with good Javascript support.
  • A sufficiently large monitor to view the course slides, a whiteboard and other participants. Additional optional recommendations include a second monitor and a touchscreen with a pen, for example, to draw on a virtual whiteboard.
  • Administration rights may be required to install software, e.g., Microsoft-Teams, Exam-Software.
    • The applications are also available via a web browser; however, these have limited functionality.
  • Participant attendance is mandatory to receive the course participation confirmation.
  • Only one person per computer, no sharing of computers.
  • Please ensure that you can participate undisturbed from colleagues, family members, pets, etc.


Roger Rhoades

Roger RhoadesRoger Rhoades is the founder of Albion Academy. He is a certified architect with more than
20 years of practical experience in Enterprise and Software Architecture Management. He is an accredited iSAQB trainer and an active member of iSAQB, working to continually evolve the iSAQB curricula, exam questions and glossary.

Thanks to his highly interactive training style and his communication abilities, attendees gain a deeper understanding of the course material, which directly impacts their ability to pass the certification exams as well as succeed in their profession.

Mr. Rhoades is a native English speaker and fluent in German.


Course Information

3 or 4 days, approx. 9 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. CET

onsite or online

iSAQB CPSA Foundation Certificate after successfully completing the certification exam

Value of € 300 included*

  Meal voucher
for onsite classes

from 2.190 EUR, excl. 250 EUR Exam fees and VAT.
10% Early bird discount*

» Send Inquiry

Course Dates: iSAQB CPSA Foundation

CourseLanguageStart DateEnd DateLocationPriceRegister
iSAQB FoundationGerman14.04.202516.04.2025Dresden2.490 EUR
iSAQB FoundationGerman15.04.202517.04.2025Munich
Guaranteed Dates
2.117 EUR
(15% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationEnglish06.05.202509.05.2025Live Online1.862 EUR
(15% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman12.05.202515.05.2025Live Online1.971 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman19.05.202522.05.2025Ingolstadt2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman26.05.202528.05.2025Dusseldorf2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman03.06.202505.06.2025Munich2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman03.06.202506.06.2025Live Online1.971 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman23.06.202526.06.2025Stuttgart2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman30.06.202503.07.2025Hannover2.117 EUR
(15% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationEnglish08.07.202511.07.2025Amsterdam2.511 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman15.07.202517.07.2025Munich2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman15.07.202518.07.2025Live Online1.971 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman21.07.202524.07.2025Cologne2.117 EUR
(15% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman23.07.202525.07.2025Nuremberg2.117 EUR
(15% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman05.08.202508.08.2025Live Online1.971 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationEnglish11.08.202514.08.2025Frankfurt2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman18.08.202521.08.2025Wiesbaden2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationEnglish02.09.202505.09.2025Live Online1.971 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman09.09.202512.09.2025Nuremberg2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman16.09.202519.09.2025Live Online1.971 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationEnglish16.09.202518.09.2025Prague2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman22.09.202525.09.2025Hamburg2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman23.09.202525.09.2025Stuttgart2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman06.10.202509.10.2025Mannheim2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationEnglish22.10.202524.10.2025Budapest2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman28.10.202531.10.2025Live Online1.971 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationEnglish04.11.202507.11.2025Munich2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman10.11.202513.11.2025Frankfurt2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman18.11.202520.11.2025Cologne2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman18.11.202521.11.2025Live Online1.971 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman24.11.202527.11.2025Vienna2.511 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationEnglish01.12.202504.12.2025Live Online1.971 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman08.12.202511.12.2025Stuttgart2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman09.12.202512.12.2025Live Online1.971 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman09.12.202511.12.2025Frankfurt2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)
iSAQB FoundationGerman10.12.202512.12.2025Munich2.241 EUR
(10% Discount)

* All prices are exclusive of VAT.

The early booking discount of 10% applies to the first four registrations which must be received at least six weeks before the course starts.

The certification guarantee and coaching sessions are included in the price.

The certification guarantee, the coaching sessions and the early bird discount apply only to courses offered directly by Albion (not by partner companies).

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