+49 (0) 865 1905 8980 inquiry@albion.eu

Albion Academy stands for practice-oriented, sustainable learning

Sustainable learning leads to long-term success. Our goal is to provide course participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully and confidently perform their work, thereby achieving success for both themselves and their company.

Sustainable learning supports participants to:

  • gain a deeper understanding of the material to fulfill their immediate need to pass the certification.
  • apply what they’ve learned to their current projects.
  • retain what they’ve learned to enhance future projects.
  • successfully implement their newly learned skills on a long-term basis through on-the-job coaching.

How Albion Academy achieves sustainable learning

Trainers have real-world experience

In every training course, theoretical content is supplemented by the trainer’s practical experience. This ensures course participants understand the relevant methods as well as the real-world implementation challenges.

Interactive trainings with a workshop character

Albion Academy participants experience an interactive, workshop-like environment that provides an exceptional learning foundation. Activities throughout each course include use of flipcharts, regular exchange between participants, group exercises, gamification, and sample test questions. (Attendees often express surprise – and relief – that few slides are shown during the class!)

Practice-oriented case studies

In our experience, participants achieve a much greater depth of understanding when they apply what they’ve learned to a real-world case study. Practice-based exercises reinforce the methods they have learned. This ensures participants will retain the knowledge, which leads to sustainable success in current and future projects.

Long-term support through coaching with the trainer

Course participants support their ability to successfully implement newly learned methods and approaches in their current business projects. Participants receive two coaching sessions free of charge (value of 300€). Additional coaching sessions can be booked for the standard hourly rate.

Live online training courses

Albion Academy offers live online training courses in addition to our classroom-based training courses. The live online training courses offers several advantages:

  • Opportunity for participants to try out newly learned skills in their current projects and receive immediate feedback from the trainer.
  • For our online courses that occur over six weeks, additional retention is gained, because participants are learning over an extended period of time, so there are no “cram sessions”, especially when a certification test is involved.
  • If the group has specific needs, the trainer has the flexibility to address those needs as necessary.
  • The low time investment per week – just a few hours a week instead of a large block of time – enables course participants to continue working on their projects virtually uninterrupted.
  • No travel or hotel costs, and no time is lost due to travel.

Our Team

Roger Rhoades

Roger Rhoades is founder of Albion Academy and an accredited iSAQB trainer with over 20 years of practical experience in Architecture Management. He is an active member of the iSAQB, helping to define and evolve the iSAQB curricula and exam questions.

Laura Hartmann

Laura Hartmann is a project & trainings manager and also responsible for the administration and advancement of the Albion Academy. Before joining Albion, Laura worked for several years in the automotive supply as well as finance industry, where she was also responsible for the change management as well as automating and digitizing processes.

Matthias Bohlen

Matthias Bohlen is coach and trainer for software engineering as well as experienced software architect, IT consultant and Lean/Kanban expert. He has a unique way of explaining complicated things simply.

Dr. Michael Sperber

Dr. Michael Sperber is a recognized expert in functional programming.  He develops custom software exclusively with functional programming and has been applying it in research and industrial development for more than 25 years.

Raphael Pigulla

Raphael Pigulla has worked as a software architect and developer on various web development projects for over 20 years, both in the frontend and the backend as well as at start-ups and large corporations. In addition to agile software development, his passion is education and training.

Daniel Krämer

Daniel Krämer is passionate about designing software architectures and clean code. He is an accredited iSAQB trainer and earned the iSAQB CPSA Advanced software architecture certification. Mr. Krämer develops and conducts various software architecture training courses and regularly presents at IT conferences.

In-house & Custom Training Courses and Workshops

We are happy to provide offers for in-house and customer-specific training courses.