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iSAQB CPSA-Advanced Architecture Evaluation (ARCEVAL)

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Refer to Course Dates

Course Description

Architectural evaluation and assessment is an essential task for an architect. Through architectural assessment, you provide more clarity in decision-making, gain confidence in architectural design, and avoid setbacks.

In this seminar, you will learn how to reflect on the architecture in order to make improvements, introduce enhancements, or discard approaches for valid reasons.

Through architectural assessments, architects can:

  • Communicate and justify architectural decisions.
  • Uncover risks and cost drivers in the architecture or in the implementation.
  • Gain insight about architectural compromises made.
  • Identify opportunities for improvement in the architecture.
  • Perform conformance to ensure that the implementation is consistent with the architectural design.
  • Verify that the architectural decisions meet the requirements, especially the quality requirements.
  • Better estimate and reduce efforts and costs for architectural changes.

You will first learn qualitative assessment methods that you can use early on in the project. This allows you to get off to a fast start to promote communication and transparency.

We will also discuss quantitative methods that provide measurement results and give your teams current indicators of the quality of their work. In this way, you keep the architecture work continually on target, even during the hectic day-to-day development work.

The iSAQB Certified Professional for Software Architecture (CPSA) program offers you an internationally recognized, standardized continuing education for software architecture. This accredited iSAQB CPSA-Advanced Architecture Evaluation (ARCEVAL) training conforms to the current ISAQB curriculum.

Seminar goals

After completing this course, you will have achieved the following level of knowledge:

  • Benefits and goals of architectural assessment
  • Requirements for an architectural assessment
  • Qualitative vs. quantitative evaluation methods
  • Clarification of quality requirements
  • Development of an appropriate design for quality requirements
  • ATAM — Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method
  • Approach for preparing and conducting  architecture evaluation workshops
  • Embedding assessment methods into existing processes
  • Evaluation of existing systems (or building blocks)


This seminar is part of iSAQB’s Advanced Level Program. By attending this training, you will receive 20 methodology credit points that can be counted towards the iSAQB CPSA Advanced certificate. All course participants receive a certificate of successful completion of the course as proof of the qualifications achieved.

Target audience

This course is designed for software developers and architects, and other IT professionals.


You should have experience in IT projects, Knowledge of a specific technology or programming language is not required to understand or contribute. UML knowledge is helpful, but not mandatory.

Detailed course content

This accredited iSAQB CPSA-Advanced Architecture Evaluation (ARCEVAL) training follows the current ISAQB curriculum.

In the seminar the following topics will be presented and discussed in detail:

Basic concepts of software architecture assessment

  • Benefits and goals of software architecture
  • Benefits and goals of architectural assessment
  • Requirements for architecture evaluation
  • Architectural Evaluation Methods

Requirements in the architecture evaluation

  • Clarification and documentation of quality requirements
  • Definition and clarification of quality requirements using scenarios

Evaluation workshops

  • ATAM – Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method
  • Workshop preparation
  • Conducting workshops
  • Evaluation and approach

Follow-up and Application

  • Develop, document, and explain the results of assessment workshops.
  • Risks, Non-risks, Compromises, and Sensitive points
  • Follow-up activities
  • Evaluate and follow up on the results of evaluation workshops accordingly
  • Communicating results

Evaluation of existing systems (or building blocks)

  • Scenario-based evaluation
  • Ongoing implementation review and metrics

Benefits of attending an Albion iSAQB training course

  • Highly experienced and accredited trainer:
    • The accredited trainer is an active member of the iSAQB organization and has several years of experience and extensive knowledge in the field of software architecture management.
  • Interactive, practice-based training:
    • Participants experience an interactive training course with practice-based exercises and case studies that, according to former participants, reinforce their understanding of what they have learned.
    • The theoretical content is supplemented with the trainer's practical experience to ensure course participants not only understand the relevant methods, but also the real-world challenges of their implementation.
    • Active participation and discussions are explicitly encouraged.
  • Industry-standard certifications:
    • Industry-standard certification and recognition of expertise.
  • Two free coaching sessions*:
    • Participants receive two coaching sessions free of charge (value of 300€) to support them in successfully implementing newly learned methods and approaches in their current business projects.

Benefits of the Albion live online training courses


Albion is known for its interactive training courses with a workshop character. Whether in-person or live online, Albion training courses encourage the active participation of course participants in discussions and group exercises.

By using the latest online collaboration tools, such as online whiteboards, you will experience a classroom-like environment. During the live online training, participants collaborate to perform practice-oriented exercises and case studies that lead to a deeper understanding of the course material.

Online Whiteboard

Benefits of live online training courses

  • Lower price
    • Lower price for the live online training course compared to the corresponding classroom training.
  • No travel or hotel costs
    • Efficient use of your time and money.
  • Compliance with mandated travel restrictions
    • You can conveniently participate from any location without having to travel.
  • Face-to-face discussions
    • The same opportunities for asking questions and discussing topics as in a classroom training.
    • As with classroom training, active participation of the participants is desired.
  • Participant collaboration
    • Participants can pose questions to other participants and to the trainer 24 hours a day via an online chat during and after the course (e.g., to discuss sample test questions, current project challenges, etc.).

Prerequisites for live online training courses

  • Computer with a stable and fast Internet connection that supports continual video transmission.
  • Suitable webcam.
  • Headset instead of the computer microphone to reduce ambient noise.
  • Modern web browser with good Javascript support.
  • A sufficiently large monitor to view the course slides, a whiteboard and other participants. Additional optional recommendations include a second monitor and a touchscreen with a pen, for example, to draw on a virtual whiteboard.
  • Administration rights may be required to install software, e.g., Microsoft-Teams, Exam-Software.
    • The applications are also available via a web browser; however, these have limited functionality.
  • Participant attendance is mandatory to receive the course participation confirmation.
  • Only one person per computer, no sharing of computers.
  • Please ensure that you can participate undisturbed from colleagues, family members, pets, etc.


Matthias Bohlen

Matthias BohlenMatthias Bohlen is an accredited iSAQB trainer for software architecture as well as a practicing software architect, IT consultant, coach, and Lean/Kanban expert.

He has a unique way of explaining complicated topics simply, and breaking them down into comprehensible steps.

In addition, he regularly lectures at conferences and writes for trade journals. He was formerly a member of the editorial team of the OBJECT spectrum.


Course Information

2 days, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CET

onsite or online

20 methodology credit points for an iSAQB CPSA-Advanced certificate

Value of € 300 included*

  Meal voucher
for onsite courses

from 1,250 EUR, excl. VAT.
10% early bird discount *

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Course Dates: iSAQB CPSA-Advanced Architecture Evaluation (ARCEVAL)

iSAQB Architekturbewertung (ARCEVAL)Deutsch24.09.202525.09.2025Live Online1.251 EUR
(10% Rabatt)
iSAQB Architekturbewertung (ARCEVAL)Englisch04.11.202505.11.2025Live Online1.251 EUR
(10% Rabatt)

* Conditions:
All prices are exclusive of VAT and certification exam costs.
The early booking discount of 10% applies to the first four registrations at least six weeks before the course starts.
All courses take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central European Time (CET) on the specified dates, except where otherwise noted.
The certification guarantee and coaching sessions are included in the price.
The certification guarantee, the coaching sessions, and the early bird discount apply only to courses offered directly by Albion (no partner companies).

In-house & Custom Training Courses and Workshops

We will be pleased to submit offers for internal and customer-specific training courses.